Heritage Museum Advisory Board
Appointed by the Mayor, the advisory board members support and advise the museum, and makes a variety of recommendations to City Council and Staff.
The board meets every second Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm at the museum. The meetings are open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend.
The board consists of a maximum of seven members appointed by the Mayor and with City Council consent, with reference to each appointee's fitness for the position.
If you are interested in joining the board, please reach out to the museum. More information is listed below, along with a link to be a board member volunteer.
The board has the following duties:
Adopt rules governing the transaction of the board's business.
When needed and requested, recommend sites for museum facilities to the City Council.
Recommend to City Management various types of museum services that could be provided by the museum to the community.
Recommend to City Management policies for the acceptance and use of gifts for museum purposes.
Recommend to City Management policies conducive to the efficient and effective operation of the museum.
Submit other reports as requested by City Management or the City Council.
Recommend to City Management museum admission charges.
Recommend to City Management maintenance policies sufficient to keep the museum presentable and in a proper state of repair and adopt rules to carry out the policies approved by the City Management or the City Council.
Review and comment on budget as developed by City Management; receive a financial report of the museum on a monthly basis, but have no spending authority.
Advisory Board Member Application
To apply to the board and fill an empty position, please fill out the application. Once completed, the application taken to the museum or City Hall.